Friday, January 28, 2011

Adios Amigos???

Hello dear bloggers/followers, I am sad to announce that today was my last day in my Digital Media class. This Monday, I will be starting physical education, aka gym class. How depressing. Really, it is.
Hopefully, I will keep blogging and posting up pictures and what not. I would love to keep in touch with this blog. If anything, feel free to follow me on my Tumblr blog. I use that one a lot more often than I use this one.

Talk to you soon I hope :)

Being A Mentor PSA

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's Almost Over...

I have already probably posted something similar to what I am about to post but...
Who needs Physical Education class?!? Okay...maybe me. But still, can I please just have a couple more weeks of this class? Months would be nice too.
Okay, I think I'm done. That was my small rant. Very small rant.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Isn't your family suppose to help you out when you need help on something? Isn't your little sister suppose to help you with your school project? Isn't MY little sister suppose to help me finish up my last project?!? YES, she is. But is she trying to help me out? Is she trying to lend me a helping hand (or in this case, her whole self)? NO, she is not. So how am I suppose to finish my project??? Only God knows...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stuffy Noses and THE LAST PROJECT

It sucks when you have a stuffy nose and you're in a quiet room.

We are finally on to the last project here in Digital Media Class. I am so upset about this; who needs gym (physical education)?! Okay, so maybe I do, but anyways, I don't want to leave this class! I have learned how to do so many things on these glorious computers that I would have never imagined learning. This class is definitely one of my favorite classes. The last project we are working on is basically an advertisement; it is a public service announcement. We are to "advertise" an important issue. Am I explaining this correctly? Probably not. So let me give you an example. So, you have probably seen the commercials with Hillary Duff about people misusing the word "gay" to describe something that they don't like. You get me now? I think my example did not make much sense and needed more detail...
You know what it is? It's this cold that I have. It is messing up my eyes, nose, ears, and overall brain.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Hair Cut (Yes, it's much shorter now...)

So! I cut my hair last week and now I feel like it's necessary to share it with all my blogger people.

Prior to this moment, I would like to show you a picture that my mom and I took the day she came to pick up my report card (I have a feeling I might have already posted this...Oh well).


And to conclude this little picture fest I'm having, let me just post the picture of myself wearing the sweater I stole  well, let's just say took without his acknowledgment, from my brother. It was very comfy and kept me warm that day :)

                                          Cute, huh? The sweater I mean of course.
(Hey, this was one my hair was still long...Sure, go ahead, look back at my previous picture to see that yes, I did cut my hair, and no, I did not lie).